The Twins Group

9.30 - 11.30 am, Friday

£5 parent and baby

The Toy House is pleased to announce that every Friday day morning between 9.30-11.30am we are hosting a Twins Group in a friendly, non-judgemental, supportive setting. It is a great opportunity for you and your twins to socialise, share information and make new friends whilst supporting your children’s development through play.

 We provide an extensive range of early years toys and activities for your children to explore and to aid their development.

For the parents/carers we provide a much-needed cuppa and a slice of homemade cake and a healthy snack for the little ones!

·       Suitable for families with twins.

·       Cost- Parent & Baby £5.00 additional cost £1 per additional child/ adult.

·       Friday morning


Book a session:


Volunteering for Success