Celebrating Our National Funding Award

The Toy House wants to say an enormous thank you to the National Lottery for their continued support and more recently our grant that was awarded earlier this year. After sharing this news with our volunteers and visitors, they let out an excited cheer that was loud enough for all our neighbours to hear!  The National Lottery’s generosity makes a massive difference to our charity as it provides us with stability during these difficult financial times. It facilitates The Toy House to continue to support the local community by running various sessions including;

·      Volunteering session

·      Parent & Baby Sensory

·      Grandparents session

·      Social Walking Group

·      Cream Tea Sessions

These sessions, help to reduce the feelings of isolation and loneliness, whilst bringing fun into their lives.

Thank you, to the National Lottery Players, for your support and funding to enable us to continue for the next 2 years. It makes such a difference to our community.


International Women’s Day Celebration 2024


What A Transformation!